Book: | Sankula: Srujanasheela Kaleya Dwaimasika |
Title of Article/Essay: | Alemarikalavidana Vishista Abhivyakthi |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Special Expression of Nomadic Artists) |
Author: | K.V. Subramanyam |
Editor: | Vijaya and B. Suresh |
Date, Year: | Mar-Apr 1996 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Kannada |
Volume: | 3 |
Issue: | 3 |
Publisher: | B. Gurumurthy for Aseema Prakashana |
Place Published: | Bangalore |
Country Published: | India |
Descriptive Tags: | Nude, Naked, Saraswathi, Kamasutra, Vatsyayana, Catharsis, Last Judgment, Allegory of Time, Mathura, Kajuraho, Gomateswara, Halebid, Yakshi, Yaksha, Kinnara, Gandharva, Sanchi, Bharhuth, Mother, Aryan, Dravidian, Linga, Veda |
Where we found it: | Personal Archive: Ravikumar Kashi, Bangalore |