Book: | Desh |
Title of Article/Essay: | Nandalal |
Author: | Binodebehari Mukherjee |
Date, Year: | 13 May 1966 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Bengali |
Issue: | 28 |
Publisher: | ABP Pvt Ltd |
Place Published: | Kolkata |
Country Published: | India |
Remarks: | 33rd year, no. 28 of periodical. Article found mentioned in bibliography by Pulinbihari Sen published in Visva Bharati News, March-April 1981. Note: The Month and Year of Publication in the text are mentioned as 30 Baishakh 1373 following the Bengali Calendar. It has been converted to 13 May 1966 according to the Gregorian calendar. |