Book: | Karnataka Kala Varthe |
Title of Article/Essay: | Prantiyekaranada Naithikathe: Ondu Samakaleena Swagatha |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Ethics of Teritorialization: A Contemporary Soliloquy) |
Author: | H.A. Anil Kumar |
Editor: | K.V. Subramanyam |
Date, Year: | Oct-Dec 1999 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Kannada |
Issue: | 56 |
Publisher: | Karnataka Lalithakala Academy |
Place Published: | Bangalore |
Country Published: | India |
Descriptive Tags: | Teretorialization, Imperialism, Colonial, British Representation |
Artist/s Mentioned: | Ramesh Kalkur, M.C. Ramesh, T.M. Aziz, Surekha, C.F. John |
Where we found it: | Personal Archive: H.A. Anilkumar, Bangalore |