Book: | Sankula: Srujanasheela Kaleya Dwaimasika |
Title of Article/Essay: | Sthala Puranagalu' Kurita Vimarsheya Vimarshe |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Review of Criticism about 'Local Myth') |
Author: | H.A. Anil Kumar |
Editor: | Vijaya and B. Suresh |
Date, Year: | Oct 1999 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Kannada |
Volume: | 27-28 |
Publisher: | B. Gurumurthy for Aseema Prakashana |
Place Published: | Bangalore |
Country Published: | India |
Descriptive Tags: | Modern Art, Surrealism, American Art |
Artist/s Mentioned: | Ramesh Kalkur, Srinivas Prasad, B.J. Shamala |
Other Persons Mentioned: | C.S. Krishna Setty |
Remarks: | Article criticizes the way Krishna Setty practiced art criticism, particularly for one curated exhibition titled 'Sthalapuranagalu' and calls it an 'imaginary art history'. |
Where we found it: | Personal Archive: Ravikumar Kashi, Bangalore |