Book: | Sanchaya Samskruthika Pathrike Sankalana |
Title of Article/Essay: | Samayada Vibhinna Samvedanegalu |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Different Senses of Time) |
Author: | Ravikumar Kashi |
Editor: | D.V. Prahlad |
Date, Year: | Feb 1995 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Kannada |
Volume: | 7 |
Issue: | 3 |
Publisher: | Sanchaya Dwaimasika |
Place Published: | Bangalore |
Country Published: | India |
Descriptive Tags: | Materialistic, Narration, Space, Time, Leftist, Mughal, Jaipur Paintings, Viewership, Perspective |
Artist/s Mentioned: | K.T. Shivaprasad, Sudhir Patwardhan, Nataraj Sharma |
Where we found it: | Personal Archive: Ravikumar Kashi, Bangalore |