• Book: Probasi
    Title of Article/Essay: Bharatiya Shilpattatva
    Translated Title of Article/Essay: (The Theory of Indian Art)
    Author: Ananda Coomaraswamy
    Editor: Ramananda Chattopadhyay
    Date, Year: Nov-Dec 1909
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: Bengali
    Volume: 9
    Issue: 8
    Pages: 622-623
    Publisher: Abinash Chandra Sarkar
    Place Published: Calcutta
    Country Published: India
    Descriptive Tags: Idealism, Intuition, Decorative Arts
    Remarks: This essay was originally written by Coomaraswamy in English and was first published in Hindusthan Review. This English essay was translated to Bengali by Arun, and speaks of the relation of Indian art and religion. Note: English translation of essay title provided here is a provisional one made by our researcher. Note: Month of Publication is mentioned in text also as Agrahayan, following the Bengali calendar.
    Where we found it: Archive: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, Kolkata