• Book: Shilpa O Sahitya
    Title of Article/Essay: Barna-Chitran
    Translated Title of Article/Essay: (Colour-Images)
    Author: Manmathanath Chakraborty
    Editor: Manmathanath Chakraborty and Satishchandra Mitra
    Date, Year: Dec-Jan 1908
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: Bengali
    Volume: 8
    Issue: 4
    Pages: 75-80
    Publisher: Indian Art School
    Place Published: Calcutta
    Country Published: India
    Descriptive Tags: Light and Shade, Projection, Shadows, Perspective
    Artist/s Mentioned: Leonardo da Vinci
    Remarks: An article on how artists treat chiaroscuro scientifically. Note: Month of Publication is mentioned in text also as Poush, following the Bengali calendar.
    Where we found it: Archive: Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, Kolkata