• Book: Satyakatha
    Title of Article/Essay: Chitra ani Shilpa yantil Atmavishkar ani Nivedan
    Translated Title of Article/Essay: (My Own Creation and Statement in Painting and Sculpture)
    Author: D.K. Bedekar
    Date, Year: Feb 1956
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: Marathi
    Issue: 4
    Pages: 37-40
    Remarks: This article is based on author's speech in Maharashtra artist conference. Article found listed in the bibliography of writings on Fine Arts from Marathi periodicals titled 'Marathi Niyatakalikanchi Suchi, 1951-1980', volume 4, edited by Vasant Bhikaji Belsare. The compilation of this bibliography was initiated by 'Date Suchi Mandal, Pune' and has been in process of publication by 'Marathi Granth Sangrahalay, Mumbai.' This bibliography is found in the collection of Date Suchi Mandal, Pune.