Book: | Coomaraswamy, Havell o Bharatiyo Shilpo |
Translated Title of Book: | (Coomaraswamy, Havell and Indian Art) |
Title of Article/Essay: | Shilpaitihasher Patabhumite Coomaraswamy |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Coomaraswamy in the Backdrop of Art History) |
Author: | K. Chakraberti |
Date, Year: | 1973 |
Reference Type: | Book Section |
Language: | Bengali |
Pages: | 9-10 |
Publisher: | Department of History of Art, Kala Bhavana, Visva Bharati |
Place Published: | Santiniketan |
Country Published: | India |
Other Contributors in Publication: | Binodbehari Mukhopadhyay, Dhirendrakrishna Debbarma, Sudhakar Chattopadhyay, Bhudeb Chowdhury, Kanchan Chakraberti, Arun Pal, Jayanta Chakrabarti |
Where we found it: | Personal Archive: Sanjoy Kumar Mallik, Santiniketan |