• Book: Sir J.J. School of Art Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1857-2007
    Title of Article/Essay: The Glorious 150 Years of Sir J.J. School of Art
    Author: Nalini Bhagwat
    Date, Year: 2007
    Reference Type: Book Section
    Language: English
    Publisher: Jjites Association
    Place Published: Mumbai
    Country Published: India
    Descriptive Tags: Art Education, J.J. School
    Artist/s Mentioned: R.D. Dhopeshwarkar, Trindal Angella, P.G.Sirur, H.P. Chaudhari, D.G. Badigar, V.G. Shenoy, R.W. Deoskar, N.E. Puram, S.R. Naik
    Other Contributors in Publication: Nalini Bhagwat, Saryu Doshi, Manisha Patil
    Where we found it: Library: Sir J.J. School of Arts, Mumbai