• Book: Navchetan
    Title of Article/Essay: Tej-chhaya nu Chitrakala ma Sthan ane Saundarya
    Translated Title of Article/Essay: (Light and Shade in the Art of Painting and its Aesthetics)
    Author: Firozshah Rustamji Mehta
    Editor: Chapashi Uddeshi
    Date, Year: Jun 1939
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: Gujarati
    Pages: 221-227
    Publisher: Navchetan Karyalaya
    Place Published: Calcutta
    Country Published: India
    Descriptive Tags: Light, Shade, Classical European Art
    Remarks: Article refers to 16th century Venetian and Flemish paintings.
    Where we found it: Library: B.J. Institute of Research and Learning, Ahmedabad