• Book: Design
    Title of Article/Essay: A Critic in the Capital
    Author: Charles Fabri
    Editor: Patwant Singh
    Date, Year: Nov 1961
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: English
    Volume: 5
    Issue: 11
    Pages: 30-31
    Publisher: Ionic
    Place Published: Bombay
    Country Published: India
    Descriptive Tags: New Delhi, Urban Life, Public Buildings, Infrastructure, Public Sculpture, Theatres, Traffic
    Remarks: This was a new series of articles on New Delhi. The editor writes that it is based on the conviction that if Delhi, as the capital of our country, is the fount of much revolutionary thought and great changes, it also epitomizes all our worst qualities. It is our belief that by writing about the commonplace and the day to day we might yet succeed in penetrating the lethargy and indifference which are so characteristic of a majority of the people in Delhi, or for that matter of most people in most cities in India.
    Where we found it: Library: National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi