• Book: Aaj Kal
    Title of Article/Essay: Jadeed Musavvari ki Bainul aqvaami Numaish
    Translated Title of Article/Essay: (International Exhibition of Modern Painting)
    Author: Inderjit Lal
    Editor: Mohd. Mujeeb
    Date, Year: Sep 1961
    Reference Type: Periodical Article
    Language: Urdu
    Volume: 20
    Issue: 2
    Pages: 23-30
    Publisher: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
    Place Published: Delhi
    Country Published: India
    Remarks: Note: details of this publication found in the following periodical index: Ishaaria-e Aaj Kal, ba lihaaz-e mauzu va musannif, 1942-2000, ed. Jamil Akhtar (Delhi: Urdu Foundation, 2002).
    Where we found it: Library: Van Pelt, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia