Book: | Nairang-e Khayal |
Title of Article/Essay: | Dunya-e Musavvari |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (The World of Painting) |
Author: | Abdul Jamil Ansari |
Editor: | Hakim Mohd. Yusuf Hasan |
Date, Year: | Dec-Jan 1933-34 |
Reference Type: | Periodical Article |
Language: | Urdu |
Volume: | 13 |
Issue: | 114 |
Pages: | 18-19 |
Publisher: | Alamgir Electric Press |
Place Published: | Lahore |
Country Published: | India |
Remarks: | Survey of painting in Greece, China, Japan, Iran, India, Egypt, Africa, Europe |
Where we found it: | Library: Sharafabad Bedil, Karachi |