Total results found:
Book: | Karnataka Kala Varthe |
Translated Title of Book: | (Karnataka Art News) |
Title of Article/Essay: | Karanatakada Chitra-Shilpakale |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (Painting-Sculptures of Karnataka) |
Author: | H.N. Suresh |
Editor: | M.H. Krishnaiah |
Date, Year: | Mar 1988 |
Book: | Kale mathu Rasaswadhane |
Translated Title of Book: | (Art and Aesthetic Experience) |
Translated Title of Article/Essay: | (How I Practice Art Crticisim) |
Author: | H.N. Suresh |
Editor: | M.H. Krishnaiah |
Date, Year: | Jul 1989 |